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Motivate your team by gamifying work

Inspire your team to reach new targets by leveling up the work and tracking productivity through scorecard.

Motivate your team by gamifying work

Inspire your team to reach new targets by leveling up the work and tracking productivity through scorecard.

Card Deck Example

Promote healthy competition

Presenting work in levels can introduce a healthy level of competition within the team. As team members strive to reach higher levels and achieve better results, it creates a friendly environment where individuals challenge themselves and each other to push their limits.

Provide clarity on targets

Scorecards provide a clear representation of team goals and objectives. When every team member understands what needs to be achieved and how their individual efforts contribute to the overall success, it fosters a sense of shared purpose and direction.

Foster a sense of achievement

As team members advance through levels and accomplish their goals, they experience a sense of personal and collective achievement. This feeling of progress and success boosts team morale inspiring them to strive for even greater levels of success.

Elevate your team performance

View your team’s performance and track daily output and outcome on Amoga's scorecard. Our scorecard enables you to visually track the performance of individuals and teams by breaking them down into daily, weekly, and monthly activities

Gamify work


Motivate your team to excel

Transform your team's work experience by displaying their progress through our dynamic leaderboards. Amoga empowers individuals to leverage the power of gamification and unlock new levels of productivity, igniting a sense of progression and achievement that drives outstanding outcomes.


Level up your employee growth

Discover the power of levels and unlock your team's full potential. Amoga empowers you to leverage the strength of gamification by presenting work in levels. Each level offers increasing complexity and challenge that encourages growth and achievement among your team members.


Let’s make people more productive together.