Streamline Your Ticket Triage with Low-Code Solutions

Are these situations part of your service team’s daily life?

  1. Tickets get allocated to people not suitable, trained, or authorized to work on them.
  2. Tickets come to light only when someone asks for an update from the client side.
  3. Tickets pass through more than one layer of the helpdesk before they land in the right queue.

For 90% of service teams, this is so common that nobody is even particularly shocked when it happens. However, realize this: every time you let any of these situations happen, a customer somewhere is left waiting – their requests are not even close to being resolved.

This is why, despite good work and hard effort, customer satisfaction (CSAT) scores for most service teams don’t improve. But why do service teams struggle so much, when they have a CRM in place that promises to make life easy?

When the war cry on everyone’s lips is that of ‘automate, automate, automate’, why does so much work get done based on memory, intuition, and sometimes even guesswork? Let’s find out.

Why Does This Happen?

Traditional CRMs look great till the time you buy them. Then you realize they are rigid and hard to modify once they are set up. Customizing them further is costly, and IT never seems to have the budget or time, because they are busy with urgent issues. This rigidity makes the CRM practically a roadblock for service teams. On one hand, you have a business that is changing every day and customer preferences evolving every day, and on the other hand, you have a system that is living in the past – this gap is the real problem. The worst news is that this gap will keep on widening because of internal as well as external factors. Let’s look at the Internal factors first. 

Your business is not static; it’s dynamic. Your product and offerings evolve. How you deliver them also changes. You improve processes, introduce new workflows, and automate tasks, all of which alter the nature of issues. Additionally, as your product offerings change, so do your team’s skills and roles. This ongoing evolution means your CRM must adapt to new workflows and issues, but traditional systems often fail to keep up. Now, let’s look at the external factors. 

When you first begin with a service CRM and set up ticket triage rules, they are based on a set of initial assumptions about customer issues, product usage, and service expectations. However, these assumptions hardly ever align with reality. The real world is far more nuanced than broad-stroke assumptions can capture. Some issues might be completely unexpected, while others may require more attention than you initially anticipated. Over time, if your CRM does a good job with data analysis, you will find trends. However, traditional service CRMs fail to adapt and force teams to resort to manual intervention, which increases errors.

What happens when your triage system can’t keep up with the dynamic nature of your business and your customers? It’s easy to guess: tickets end up in the wrong hands, leading to delays and frustrated customers. But, Low-Code service CRMs can end this problem and make effective ticket triaging the secret sauce of your service ops. 

How Low-Code Service CRMs Change Ticket Triage

To understand this, let’s first understand what Low-Code is. Think of Low-Code as a software development approach that shifts away from traditional coding to a more visual approach. 

So, when you use a low-codeLow-Code platform, you use visual tools to build your applications, instead of writing code. With low-codeLow-Code, you have visual editors, workflow builders, and templates for common use cases. You can create dashboards that fetch accurate data from any source and generate the needed reports. But how does this help you solve the problem of erratic ticket triaging?

Low-Code solves the problem of inflexible CRMs in several ways:
  1. You can model your ticket routing process exactly as you need. In fact, if you get your hands on a true Low-Code service CRM, you will find that if you can draw a workflow on paper, you can also achieve it in the CRM. Every step, rule, and condition can be accurately represented.
  2. You can capture important data at each stage of ticket routing. This includes ticket details, who is assigned to them, and actions taken. You get built-in analytics and reporting tools to help you visualize ticket volumes, routing paths, and resolution times. This means you will be able to identify bottlenecks and inefficiencies the moment they appear. 
  3. You will never get stuck with workflows that don’t reflect the ever-changing realities of your business processes. Low-codeLow-Code platforms make it simple to adjust workflows and let you keep up with changing needs.
  4. You can make the low-codeLow-Code platform work smoothly with your existing systems, such as your knowledge bases, and other support tools. This ensures your ticket routing processes have access to relevant customer data and existing resources.

Now, would you choose any Low-Code service CRM? Or would you rather go with one that businesses like yours are already using every day, enjoying higher CSATs than ever before?

Why Amoga’s Low-Code Service CRM Is the Right Choice

At Amoga, we believe in developing platforms that empower end users. The people closest to the work are the best users of technology, so it should be simple and intuitive for them. They should be able to think like developers even if they are not developers.

This core value guided us when we built Amoga’s low-codeLow-Code service CRM. One of the most popular features our clients enjoy is smart ticket routing, which directly improves their customer satisfaction (CSAT) scores. Because our platform is built with ease of use in mind, developing new features and enhancements takes one-tenth the time and one-fourth the cost of traditional methods. This efficiency means your IT team can focus on larger, game-changing projects rather than routine tasks.

Additionally, everything built on this platform complies with the highest security standards in your industry. This ensures that while your processes become more efficient, they remain secure.

If you feel your team’s ticket triage process can improve, you will love Amoga. Book a conversation with us, and we will understand your business and show you how Amoga can quickly and easily transform the way you handle ticket triage.