How to deliver a delightful Customer Experience in D2C with Low-Code

One thing almost every D2C leader agrees on is that word-of-mouth is the best advertising there is. In the crowded D2C space, finding new customers is hard. Even retaining customers is hard. So, when your customers do your marketing for you, nothing can be better. But how do you make them that happy?

The answer lies in creating exceptional customer experiences (CX). Right from the time a customer finds out about your brand, to the time when they’ve been using your products and services for 3-6 months, you need to show up every day looking your best. That’s when you can pat yourself on the back for delivering a great customer experience. Unfortunately, only a few D2C brands are able to realize this aspiration. For most others, what they deliver is what the customers exact as a bare minimum.

Why Do Most D2C Brands Struggle to Deliver Great CX?

When growth is hard to come by and cash burn is not an option, you know how important it is to keep your existing customers and to have their positive word-of-mouth bring in more customers. For that, you need to deliver a brilliant customer experience (CX). While every founder understands this, only 2% manage to deliver it effectively.

For the rest, their efforts often fall short, and there are several reasons why:

  • The team is not doing the right work.
  • The team is not doing the work correctly.
  • The team has hit the ceiling in terms of efficiency.
  • The team has become disconnected from the vision of the brand.
  • The team can’t follow quality protocols because they have too much to do and too little time.

If this sounds familiar, your technology might be the culprit. Most D2C brands do one of two things when they begin:

  1. They cobble together free or inexpensive tools.
  2. They aspire to build their tech from scratch.

Both approaches are widely different, but both are problematic. Here’s why:

  1. Patchwork tech can’t handle the growing complexity of your operations. To an extent you can paper the gaps, but when the traffic increases, the cracks are visible, and they widen every day.
  2. Building your tech distracts you from your core business. It’s one thing to be great at customer service, but another to build a great customer service CRM.

So, in both cases, a gap emerges between what the tech should do and what it does. To bridge this gap, teams create workarounds, cut corners, and use unauthorized tools. This ultimately erodes the quality of your products, services, and the CX you’re striving for. This is why old-school, right, monolithic tech is to blame for most D2C brands’ inability to delight customers. Thankfully, Low-Code technology can change all of that.

But what exactly is Low-Code, and how does it empower D2C brands to deliver top-notch CX?

How Can Low-Code Technology Transform Your CX? 

Low-Code is a development approach that allows you to create software applications with minimal hand-coding. It uses visual interfaces and pre-built modules and makes it easier and faster to build solutions. This approach removes the rigidity and limitations of traditional coding. More than that, it allows you to shape your tech in a way that faithfully reflects the complexity of the work that your team does.

Soon, you will find that Low-Code tools empower your team to work in a way that naturally leads to better customer experiences. How?

  1. Everyone in your team can start thinking about what they need from their tech. This is in stark contrast to the old habit of adapting to what the tool offers. So, with Low-Code, everyone becomes a citizen developer. They can easily add features to the existing tools they use. They can make their work faster, more accurate, and more enjoyable. They can quickly respond to customer needs. They can innovate without waiting for lengthy development cycles. This leads to a better customer experience.
  2. For the IT team, Low-Code means they can finally focus on big, game-changing projects that can accelerate the growth of your D2C brand. They no longer need to spend time fixing bugs in the code. Instead, they can build aspirational tech features and tools that make work easy and fast for everyone. This enhances customer experience as IT can implement innovative solutions that improve how customers interact with your brand, making their journey seamless and satisfying.
  3. Supervisors and managers can move away from micromanaging. They can trust that the team is focusing on the right things, their work is being tracked, and the right information is reaching the right people at the right time. This means decisions are more likely to be the right ones. This results in a better customer experience because it reduces errors and ensures that customer interactions are smooth and efficient.

In this way, Low-Code technology frees up time, energy, money, and mental space, all of which are vital ingredients of the recipe for delivering exceptional CX. However, to truly reap these benefits, your Low-Code applications must be genuinely Low-Code, not just highly customizable versions of old-school software. Otherwise, the core issue remains: your business evolves rapidly, but your tech struggles to keep up, forcing everyone to work within outdated assumptions. That’s why we built Amoga as a true Low-Code platform.

Why is Amoga the Right Low-Code Solution for Your CX Goals?

The core philosophy behind Amoga is simple. We believe that a company’s success or failure depends on how they work, what they focus on, how they define good performance, how well they measure it, how easily they share knowledge, and how quickly they act on data. Every organization needs a work OS, similar to a computer’s OS, which serves as the backdrop for all operations. With Amoga, we built a Low-Code version of this work OS for organizations.

If you’re a D2C brand that understands the power of exceptional CX, we’re here for you. We want to hear about the challenges you face in creating the customer experiences you envision. We’ve helped other D2C brands overcome similar hurdles, and we’d love to share those stories with you. This conversation could be the turning point you’ve been waiting for – the moment your D2C brand becomes known for making customers so happy they can’t help but spread the word. Book a no-obligation meeting.