How to Fail Fast and Win Fast in High-Competition D2C Space with Low-Code?

If you’re a D2C founder or leader, you probably fondly remember the early days when your company was just an idea. That idea, the fruit of your labour, was crystal clear in your mind. Using your experience and intuition, you outlined a path to your goal, shaping your business model, marketing mix, and operational strategy. But no book, case study, or mentor could guarantee your first attempt would be the right one. With so many variables to control – product, marketing, sales, positioning, service, pricing, competition, and more – getting it right the first time is a gamble.

Everyone starts with gut feeling and course-corrects along the way. Failure is inevitable, but the key is to fail in a way that minimizes time and resources. The most successful D2C stories aren’t about unbeatable products, unmatched prices, or uncopyable brand images. They’re about teams who tirelessly try new things, shaping and refining their brand until the profit equation clicks. The secret is to fail fast to win fast.

But why do most D2C brands struggle with agility? Why do they lose their drive for experimentation? What holds them back from change? It all comes down to their technology.

Why Is Rigid Tech to Blame and How Is Low-Code the Answer?

The technology your business relies on is like groundwater that nourishes your organization. It’s vital for the growth of ideas. When this “water” dries up, brands wither away. Whether it’s your ERP, logistics management system, ticketing system, or sales CRM, technology should help you act fast, fail fast, and learn quickly. This way, you can understand what doesn’t work and narrow down your options to find the perfect business model.

However, traditional tech often fails to support this need. It becomes rigid and restrictive, chaining your business, people, processes, and motivation. The tech you once bought or built was great at the time, but as your business evolves, the tech remains the same. This slows everyone down. People click buttons that don’t add value, jump through pointless hoops, and log into countless tools when one should suffice. Work becomes more about memorizing playbooks than taking swift action. The antidote to this is a complete paradigm shift in how we think about technology.

The solution is to use something that challenges this rigid design: Low-Code. Unlike traditional tech, Low-Code doesn’t rely on extensive programming and piles of requirement documents. Instead, it allows end users to build the technology themselves. This new approach empowers people to create solutions that meet their needs in real time. That’s why major consultancies predict that by 2030, 75% of enterprise applications will be built using Low-Code.

How Low-Code Lets You Try More Things Fast

Low-Code is a game-changer for D2C brands. But what exactly is it? Low-Code is a way of building software that doesn’t require deep programming knowledge. Instead, it uses visual tools and pre-built components, making it accessible to everyone in your business.

When you switch your tech to Low-Code, something fundamentally different happens. Unlike traditional tech approaches, the conversation stays focused on your business, not the tech itself. Everyone in your business soon realizes that technology is there to help them do their work right and fast. They only need to handle the parts that require a human touch. With Low-Code, anyone who uses a computer can think about what they want the tech to do for them. They can build the application they need or add features to the one they are using. This turns everyone in your company into a citizen developer and makes your business truly digitally driven.

The role of your IT team becomes more important as well. They can now focus on game-changing developments and big-picture projects that can help your brand deliver a great customer journey and win in the market. The regular P0 and P1 requests won’t keep them busy because the operational teams can take care of the issues and immediate requirements with no or little help from the core tech teams.

Moreover, with Low-Code, developing applications is ten times quicker and costs only 25% of what it used to. This means you can ensure that key details of work are captured as lag measures, giving you a clear picture of what’s working and what’s not. So, how can you harness the power of Low-Code to give your business the edge it needs? That’s where Amoga comes in.

Why Choose Amoga’s Low-Code Platform?

So, how can you harness the power of Low-Code to give your business the edge it needs? That’s where Amoga comes in. We believe that the key to winning in a high-competition market is the ability to experiment. If you can get two big experiments out of twenty right, you will beat the competition. Traditionally, brands haven’t had the mindset or confidence to run twenty experiments, but Low-Code changes that. It’s the most fundamental shift Low-Code brings.

At Amoga, we wanted to build a Low-Code platform that gives everyone the means and confidence to experiment and respond to market needs quickly. We designed our platform to make this the most natural thing to do. Our goal is to have technology serve your business, not the other way around. This philosophy is reflected in everything we do, especially in our Low-Code platform.

Amoga’s platform allows your team to create and modify applications as needed, without requiring extensive programming knowledge. This means you can adapt swiftly to market changes and customer demands. It empowers your team to innovate, test new ideas, and find what works best for your business. By reducing the time and cost associated with development, you can run more experiments and discover winning strategies faster.

We would love to show you how we’ve helped other D2C brands experiment often and win more frequently. Book a no-obligation call with us. Tell us more about your business, and we’ll explain exactly how Amoga’s Low-Code platform can work for you. With Amoga, you can stay ahead of the competition and turn your innovative ideas into reality.



How to deliver a delightful Customer Experience in D2C with Low-Code

One thing almost every D2C leader agrees on is that word-of-mouth is the best advertising there is. In the crowded D2C space, finding new customers is hard. Even retaining customers is hard. So, when your customers do your marketing for you, nothing can be better. But how do you make them that happy?

The answer lies in creating exceptional customer experiences (CX). Right from the time a customer finds out about your brand, to the time when they’ve been using your products and services for 3-6 months, you need to show up every day looking your best. That’s when you can pat yourself on the back for delivering a great customer experience. Unfortunately, only a few D2C brands are able to realize this aspiration. For most others, what they deliver is what the customers exact as a bare minimum.

Why Do Most D2C Brands Struggle to Deliver Great CX?

When growth is hard to come by and cash burn is not an option, you know how important it is to keep your existing customers and to have their positive word-of-mouth bring in more customers. For that, you need to deliver a brilliant customer experience (CX). While every founder understands this, only 2% manage to deliver it effectively.

For the rest, their efforts often fall short, and there are several reasons why:

  • The team is not doing the right work.
  • The team is not doing the work correctly.
  • The team has hit the ceiling in terms of efficiency.
  • The team has become disconnected from the vision of the brand.
  • The team can’t follow quality protocols because they have too much to do and too little time.

If this sounds familiar, your technology might be the culprit. Most D2C brands do one of two things when they begin:

  1. They cobble together free or inexpensive tools.
  2. They aspire to build their tech from scratch.

Both approaches are widely different, but both are problematic. Here’s why:

  1. Patchwork tech can’t handle the growing complexity of your operations. To an extent you can paper the gaps, but when the traffic increases, the cracks are visible, and they widen every day.
  2. Building your tech distracts you from your core business. It’s one thing to be great at customer service, but another to build a great customer service CRM.

So, in both cases, a gap emerges between what the tech should do and what it does. To bridge this gap, teams create workarounds, cut corners, and use unauthorized tools. This ultimately erodes the quality of your products, services, and the CX you’re striving for. This is why old-school, right, monolithic tech is to blame for most D2C brands’ inability to delight customers. Thankfully, Low-Code technology can change all of that.

But what exactly is Low-Code, and how does it empower D2C brands to deliver top-notch CX?

How Can Low-Code Technology Transform Your CX? 

Low-Code is a development approach that allows you to create software applications with minimal hand-coding. It uses visual interfaces and pre-built modules and makes it easier and faster to build solutions. This approach removes the rigidity and limitations of traditional coding. More than that, it allows you to shape your tech in a way that faithfully reflects the complexity of the work that your team does.

Soon, you will find that Low-Code tools empower your team to work in a way that naturally leads to better customer experiences. How?

  1. Everyone in your team can start thinking about what they need from their tech. This is in stark contrast to the old habit of adapting to what the tool offers. So, with Low-Code, everyone becomes a citizen developer. They can easily add features to the existing tools they use. They can make their work faster, more accurate, and more enjoyable. They can quickly respond to customer needs. They can innovate without waiting for lengthy development cycles. This leads to a better customer experience.
  2. For the IT team, Low-Code means they can finally focus on big, game-changing projects that can accelerate the growth of your D2C brand. They no longer need to spend time fixing bugs in the code. Instead, they can build aspirational tech features and tools that make work easy and fast for everyone. This enhances customer experience as IT can implement innovative solutions that improve how customers interact with your brand, making their journey seamless and satisfying.
  3. Supervisors and managers can move away from micromanaging. They can trust that the team is focusing on the right things, their work is being tracked, and the right information is reaching the right people at the right time. This means decisions are more likely to be the right ones. This results in a better customer experience because it reduces errors and ensures that customer interactions are smooth and efficient.

In this way, Low-Code technology frees up time, energy, money, and mental space, all of which are vital ingredients of the recipe for delivering exceptional CX. However, to truly reap these benefits, your Low-Code applications must be genuinely Low-Code, not just highly customizable versions of old-school software. Otherwise, the core issue remains: your business evolves rapidly, but your tech struggles to keep up, forcing everyone to work within outdated assumptions. That’s why we built Amoga as a true Low-Code platform.

Why is Amoga the Right Low-Code Solution for Your CX Goals?

The core philosophy behind Amoga is simple. We believe that a company’s success or failure depends on how they work, what they focus on, how they define good performance, how well they measure it, how easily they share knowledge, and how quickly they act on data. Every organization needs a work OS, similar to a computer’s OS, which serves as the backdrop for all operations. With Amoga, we built a Low-Code version of this work OS for organizations.

If you’re a D2C brand that understands the power of exceptional CX, we’re here for you. We want to hear about the challenges you face in creating the customer experiences you envision. We’ve helped other D2C brands overcome similar hurdles, and we’d love to share those stories with you. This conversation could be the turning point you’ve been waiting for – the moment your D2C brand becomes known for making customers so happy they can’t help but spread the word. Book a no-obligation meeting.



How does a Low-Code CRM turn your service centre into a revenue centre?

Revenue is the lifeblood of your business. Revenue is the north star that guides (or should guide) every department, not just the sales team. You might think that while sales drive income, customer service only deals with complaints. If this is the case, your service centre is a cost centre, which isn’t ideal. Instead, consider customer service as a potential revenue centre.

Think about this: your repeat revenue comes from satisfied customers. Who better to understand and cater to their needs than your service team? Far from just resolving issues, these teams are perfectly positioned to drive sales by introducing products and services that address the real needs of your customers. So why aren’t more businesses embracing this? Some fear that pushing for additional sales will annoy customers and lower satisfaction. It’s true that without the right information at the right time, this approach can backfire. But that doesn’t mean you should give up on the idea altogether; does it?

The entire service CRM market is built on the promise that technology can turn your customer service into a revenue-generating machine. If your CRM isn’t doing that, it’s simply not working. And unfortunately, that’s the reality for many businesses.

How do traditional CRMs limit customer service as a revenue source?

Traditional service CRMs turn your customer service into a cost centre and never let it grow into a revenue generator. Here is how most service CRM implementations go:

  • Your vendor wants you to precisely define how you want workflows set up, what data to capture, and how to design reports.
  • They can implement exactly what you specify.

Sounds all right, but It isn’t!

The problem is, at that point, it’s just theory. You’ll only discover if your setup is right or wrong when your service teams start interacting with customers. Every day, they uncover new insights: how customers think, how they make decisions, how they actually use your product, what complaints they voice, and even the silent grievances that lead to churn.

However, if your CRM system is rigid—encased in glass, so to speak—it becomes challenging to adapt and evolve based on these daily insights. That’s the least your service team could have expected from their service CRM. When they don’t get it, they can’t offer the right products and services at the right time to the right customers. Even if they try, it will be a random effort and is likely to put off customers rather than get them to try more products. That’s why the traditional approach is flawed. It assumes you know everything from the start, but real insights come from daily customer interactions. But this doesn’t have to be the case. With a Low-Code service CRM, you can adapt and evolve alongside your customers.

What is Low-Code CRM and why is it transformative?

Low-Code service CRMs are a game-changer. They shift the focus from “code everything” to “design everything”.

Just as business processes aren’t fossils frozen in time, your technology shouldn’t behave like one either. Low-Code platforms are built on the core belief that technology should be easy to use and ready to evolve along with your business.

The five core components of a Low-Code service CRM are:

  1. Drag-and-Drop Interface
  2. Pre-Built Templates
  3. Graphical Workflow Design
  4. Built-In Connectors
  5. Reusable Components

But what does this really mean for your business?

How can Low-Code service CRM elevate your customer service into a revenue centre?

Here’s what you can expect:

  1. Your service agents will start thinking, “How can I use this CRM to automate my repetitive tasks, so I can focus on building real relationships with customers?”
  2. Your IT team will love not having to constantly fix urgent issues. Instead, they’ll have the time and space to focus on big-picture projects that truly move your business forward. Plus, they can do it all faster and cheaper than before.
  3. Your managers can create workflows and reports that make outstanding customer service the standard, not a lucky coincidence. This gives your service team the tools they need to offer the right products and services to the right customers at the right time.

With a Low-Code service CRM, your service team becomes more than just a problem-solving unit. They become a revenue-generating force that drives customer satisfaction and business growth. Of course, the pre-requisite is to use a true Low-Code service CRM.

Why is Amoga’s Low-Code service CRM the right solution for your business?

At Amoga, we believe that simplicity drives usage. A service CRM with countless features might seem appealing, but it often goes unused. Instead, our Low-Code service CRM is designed like clay—you can mould it to fit your needs. It’s built for today’s business, designed to serve today’s customers, across all channels that are relevant today. It brings calm to chaos. Anyone familiar with visual editors like Microsoft Word or PowerPoint can use this CRM with ease.

We’d love to show you how we’ve helped companies transform their customer service from a cost centre into a revenue generator. Let’s have a conversation and explore how we can do the same for you.



How Low-Code Helps D2C Brands Do More with Less

The world of direct-to-consumer (D2C) brands isn’t the same as the world of traditional businesses. Doing more with less is the name of the game. To build a D2C brand that will still be growing five years from now, you need to do more and do it for less.

  • You need to deliver better customer experiences without increasing costs.
  • You must scale operations while maintaining quality.
  • You have to innovate products faster without expanding your team.

This isn’t groundbreaking insight by any means. Every D2C founder knows this challenge intimately. Savvy founders also understand that they need to maximize efficiency instead of burning. Yet many struggle to do so. Why? The culprit is often “clutter.”

This clutter starts with technology. Many bootstrapped startups cobble together free or cheap tools and then patch the gaps with elaborate SOPs and playbooks. While this approach works initially, those small cracks can widen into major pitfalls over time. As a result, work processes become cluttered and inefficient. Your team starts losing valuable mental energy in dealing with workarounds and manual tasks. Customer experience plateaus because you’re too bogged down in day-to-day operations to innovate. Ultimately, you can’t move as quickly as the market. This is why 9 out of 10 D2C startups fizzle out.

How Does Rigid Tech Make D2C Companies Lethargic?

As a D2C brand, you know one thing for certain: you are creating something that didn’t exist before. Whether it’s your product, how you deliver it, the price at which you sell it profitably, or the service after the sale, you are breaking new ground. To support a company doing what hasn’t been done before, you need tech that evolves with you.

Rigid tech, however, is the opposite; everything is hard-coded. Even if it’s not hard-coded, customization is expensive (and you can’t expect it to be done repeatedly). Contrast it to the design of D2C company’s operational model. A D2C business has to quickly respond to customer needs, which are never static. So, how can the right technology be the right choice for any D2C company? The common approaches chosen by founders and CTOs in D2C startups fall short.

  • Some founders try to build their own tech. However, it’s one thing to be great at sales and another to build a sales CRM. Invariably, founders realize that building in-house tech is more complex than anticipated.
  • Others convince themselves that ordinary tech is sufficient. They feel the product and marketing are the superstars of the company, and tech does not have a big role to play. However, they soon find that rigid and patchwork tech becomes a chain around their agile business. It slows everything down, it stifles work, and it binds the company in red tape.

Instead, as a D2C leader, you should trust the same first principle thinking that motivated you to start your company.

  • What are you truly in the market for?
  • What is the most meaningful work?
  • Which KPIs accurately measure that work?
  • What processes should exist for optimal work?
  • How do you streamline these processes?
  • How do you keep your team motivated?
  • How do you identify top performers and value leaks?
  • How do you address these leaks?

Of course, you won’t know the answers. You’ll discover them along the way. That is exactly why you can’t start with complex technology that dictates how everyone works. Instead, you need adaptable tech that moulds to your business. That’s where Low-Code comes in. Whether it’s an overall ERP system or a purpose-specific solution like a service CRM, Low-Code is the right choice for D2C brands.

How Does Low-Code Let You Do More with Less?

 D2C challenges the settled norms of business. It rejects outdated rules and “best practices” in favour of responding to real-world forces. The same philosophy applies to Low-Code tech. This is not about coding apps line by line. It’s not even about building customizable tech for specific processes (because in D2C, today’s processes evolve every week, so a one-time customization will soon become outdated).

Instead, Low-Code tech makes technology usable for anyone with basic computer knowledge. All they need to do is think in terms of their work, not programming. This approach turns everyone into a developer, and they don’t need to know how to code. This democratization of tech is the true strength of Low-Code platforms. It means everyone can shape the tech they use in a way that makes sense for their work. This is possible through components like workflow builders, WYSIWYG application builders, easy integration setups, and ready-made templates that can be easily tweaked.

The immediate effect is significant:

  • What used to take ten weeks now takes one week.
  • What required budgets that finance would never approve now cost a quarter of that.
  • IT departments, previously groaning under the pressure of high-priority issues, now have time to solve critical IT problems that can be game-changers.

In this way, everyone in the company starts thinking about how to make their work easier and faster. Instead of ticking process checklist boxes, they can think about how to make errors impossible, what information they need to make accurate decisions, and how to free up brainpower for big-picture thinking.

They ask questions like:

  • Why am I doing what I am doing?
  • What’s a better way to achieve the same outcome?
  • How do I make the customer feel special without doing anything extraordinary?

Low-Code empowers everyone to answer these questions by shaping tech to fit their needs. It lets you do more with less in the truest sense of the phrase.

Why Is Amoga’s Low-Code Platform Right for You?

These are the kinds of questions that excited us when we set out to build Amoga. Today, it is a platform that D2C companies love. Finally, there is a tech stack that speaks the language of the real world. Our tech adapts to the shape of your business, not the other way around.

Amoga’s Low-Code platform allows you to do more with less. It empowers you to create and adapt solutions quickly, without needing extensive coding knowledge. This means you can respond to market changes swiftly.

If you want to know more about how we have helped D2C companies achieve this, book a no-obligation conversation with us. Discover how Amoga can help you streamline your processes, reduce costs, and stay ahead in the fast-paced D2C market.




How can Low-Code service CRM boost your CSAT scores?

If your organization measures CSAT, you’re likely familiar with this puzzling situation. Your team works hard and goes the extra mile, and your regular customer interactions seem fine. There might even be a few positive comments here and there. Six months down the line, when the CSAT scores are out, the report card is far from flattering. It’s like a splash of cold water in the face.

You’re left wondering:

  • Are we doing something wrong?
  • What exactly are we doing wrong?
  • Where should we even start to fix this?

Why does this happen? It all boils down to a mismatch between your initial assumptions and the realities of your customer service operations.

How a traditional service CRM pulls CSAT scores down

Most companies start with reasonable assumptions when they encode the CSAT-capture process in their service CRM. Chances are you did the same. You might have started with a hazy idea of:

  • What to measure
  • How to measure it
  • What questions to ask the customer
  • Whom to ask
  • How often to ask

These assumptions guided the design of your service CRM’s CSAT tracking and reporting. However, the day-to-day reality of customer service work challenges those initial assumptions. For example:

  1. Are you equating service-level agreement (SLA) performance with customer satisfaction? SLA performance can be a proxy for transactional customer satisfaction, but nothing more. CSAT is a more overarching number that captures what the customer thinks about your service on the whole.
  2. If you’re using a voice-of-customer (VOC) approach to CSAT, are you relying on a single questionnaire sent months after service interactions? Customers will forget the specifics of their experience and base their responses on recent interactions. To truly capture the voice of your customers, did you send them weekly reports that clearly told them that you were in control of quality most of the time? Had you done it, the CSAT scores would have been based on reality, not feelings.
  3. Did you capture the right data? Consider a D2C eCommerce business where customers purchase several items in one order. Deliveries happen in multiple lots — say three on average. The CSAT measure is about ‘how easy the e-store ordering system’ is. But customers receive three CSAT prompts, one after each delivery. Due to these repetitive requests, customers get used to ignoring these prompts. The response rate drops to 5%. Service teams can recognize this flaw quickly, but IT says fixing it will take three weeks and a significant budget, which isn’t approved. What happens next? Trust in the CSAT system erodes; everyone feels it’s a losing battle.

Can the COO even blame the service leaders for letting their teams lose motivation when their CRM refuses to budge to their needs? A rigid CRM does even more damage. It forces your service team to fight an uphill battle where scores are unfairly negative due to the way data is collected, not the quality of service. And that’s where service teams give up.

Thankfully, there is a solution that attacks the core of the problem, and does that beautifully. It’s a Low-Code service CRM. Let’s see how a Low-Code service CRM gets your service teams the flexibility and adaptability they need to make great CSAT a certainty, not a surprise.

How Can a Low-Code Service CRM Solve This Problem?

Imagine a platform where you can easily build and customize your CRM without needing to be a coding expert. This is the power of Low-Code. A Low-Code platform offers key components that set it apart from traditional CRM tools.

  • A drag-and-drop interface allows users to build and customize applications visually without being coding experts.
  • Pre-built templates serve as starting points for new projects.
  • Graphical workflow builders that enable users to design and automate business processes.
  • Built-in connectors that integrate external systems and applications.
  • Components and modules created in one project can be reused across multiple applications.

But how does a Low-Code CRM tackle the issues we discussed earlier?

  1. Your team can build what they need when they need it. No more waiting on IT for every little change. They can easily adjust workflows, data capture, and reports to match the realities of their work.
  2. The IT team is freed up to focus on significant developments, which they can now do in 1/10th the time and at 1/4th the cost. With the ability to build sophisticated apps quickly and easily, leaders are more likely to approve ambitious CRM enhancements.
  3. Low-Code CRMs are designed for flexibility. You can capture any data you need, from any source, and create automated reports that deliver the right information to the right people. This ensures that everyone is focused on the metrics that truly matter for customer satisfaction.

In essence, with a Low-Code CRM, your service team can:

  • Focus on what truly drives customer satisfaction, not just arbitrary KPIs.
  • Spend more time on activities that improve the customer experience, not on wrestling with a rigid CRM.
  • Gather the insights they need to understand your customers and their needs.
  • Capture critical data points that influence CSAT and manage the expectations and opinions of those who will respond to CSAT questionnaires.

This is how a Low-Code CRM helps you create a customer-centric culture that naturally leads to higher CSAT scores. But not all Low-Code CRMs are the same.

How does Amoga’s Low-Code service CRM help?

At Amoga, we believe that customer service shouldn’t be confined to a single department; it should be the heart of your entire company. As a tech company, we live and breathe this philosophy. And we’re convinced that it holds true for any business. That’s why we built a service CRM that empowers everyone in your organization to get the technology they need to do their work better and faster.

For us, Low-Code doesn’t just mean “highly customizable.” It means democratizing the development of features and enhancements; it means putting the power in the hands of the people closest to the work.

We really believe our solution can transform your customer service and improve your CSAT scores. But claims aside, we understand that you need to see exactly how we will solve this problem for you. So, book a conversation with us. Share your experiences with CSAT measurement, your challenges, and your aspirations. We’ll show you how Amoga’s Low-Code service CRM has solved similar problems for other clients, and how it can transform your approach to customer service.